Corporate Taxation

Recurring Tax Advisory

We support our Clients in day-to-day matters, particularly in the taxation of their routine operations and related ancillary obligations, through a proactive approach to identifying contingencies, solutions and opportunities.

Review of Tax Returns

We ensure that companies follow the correct procedures in filling out tax declarations, preventing future additional settlements and maximizing the utilization of current tax incentives.

Tax Procedures Review

The objective of the tax procedures review is mainly to assess whether certain adopted procedures comply with the applicable legislation, allowing, if necessary, their timely correction. 

In this context, we also support our Clients in the preparation of requests for prior information and binding rulings, whenever necessary.

Tax Audit

To assess and verify the compliance of operations conducted by companies in the scope of various taxes, ensuring that the accounting records of operations and tax declarations are accurate, complete and in accordance with current tax regulations. This allows for the identification of tax risks and opportunities for tax savings.

Monitoring of Tax Inspections

Assistance in preparing the documents and information requested by the Tax Authorities and support during the inspection in providing any necessary clarifications.

Bad Debts VAT Recovery

We assist our Clients in recovering VAT from overdue credits that prove to be doubtful in collection, freeing up cash flow and reducing the burden associated with uncollectible receivables.

Preparation of the Tax File

Assistance in compiling and organizing the documents that must be included in the Tax File (“Dossier Fiscal”), in accordance with current legislation.

Prevention, Management and Resolution of Tax Disputes

We support our Clients involved in tax litigation processes by providing assistance and preparation of all necessary documentation (claims, administrative appeals, among others) during the administrative phase. In the judicial phase, we follow the proceedings through external legal partners.


We offer our clients personalized training in tax matters, either of a general or specific nature, aimed at clarifying the tax treatment of conducted operations and guiding, in collaboration with specialists, the appropriate procedure to follow in fulfilling tax obligations.

Paulo Fonseca Oliveira

Paulo Fonseca Oliveira

Partner | Tax Services
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Francisca Travassos Valdez

Francisca Travassos Valdez

Manager / Tax Services
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