Specific Audits

Specific Audits

BDO has extensive experience in the provision of specific audits services of which we highlight the following:

  • Audits of costs funded by grants
  • Cost recovery audits of regarding the exploration of oil concessions under production sharing agreements
  • Due diligences, for the acquisition or sale of businesses
  • Audits of statistics  on fairs and exhibitions
  • Audits of publications’ statistics (copies and circulations)
  • Audits of annual declarations of products’ packages  under the contracts with Sociedade Ponto Verde

On the other hand, the Regulators/Supervision entities (such as Banco de Portugal, ASF, CMVM, etc.) require that the auditors of the entities supervised by them, perform some regular specific audits  (such as review of the internal control, measurement of the impairment of loan portfolios, review of the self-assessment process of the internal capital adequacy, etc.) which we have done over the years.

Pedro Nunes Sousa

Pedro Nunes Sousa

Partner | Assurance Services
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António Carvalho de Barros

António Carvalho Barros

Partner / Faro office
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